Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Slave Retention in Jamaican Culture

In week two of the National Identity and the Arts class, we covered a few topics. I wasn’t present for the actual class, but I was filled in on the topics and areas covered. This week we went back in time, back to the days of slavery in Jamaica. The main topics covered were “The Influence of Slavery & Emancipation in shaping a Jamaican Cultural Identity.
We started out by running through the cultural practices on the plantation, discussing the lifestyle of the “Slave & Slave Driver” (Slave Master) on the plantation, and then moving along to the “Hidden Arts” practiced amongst the slaves. The final topics covered were Pre & Post Emancipation & Cultural Practices & last but not least we ran through “Themes of Slave Retention in Jamaican Culture”.
Slavery had been abolished many years ago, but up until this day we as Jamaicans can’t seem to let go of a lot of the practices and ideology of societal status and behaviors instilled in directly and indirectly by the “Superiors” on the and in the plantation.
One prevalent theme of slave retention in Jamaican Culture today is that of Race & Ethnicity. In the days of slavery, it was said and respected that the ‘lighter the complexion, the higher you are in the eyes of society, thus making the Caucasian man the most superior.  
Slave retention can definitely be identified in all forms of our arts in Jamaica, especially in our local music. Example: Vybz Kartel’s song “From Dem Look Pon ME”. Here are some excerpts from the song showcasing the racial issue from slave retention mentioned earlier; 1. Di gyal dem love off me white cute face 2. Di gyal dem love off me bleach out face. This all goes back to the days when the slaves actually believe that the lighter their complexion the better chance they have at surviving in the greater world for it had been perceived that white is superior ad black is inferior. The artiste Vybz Kartel who produced these lyrics regarding skin lightening are practices he does indulge in and had been doing so for over 10 years, and the reception he receives from the people of Jamaica on the topic had been a positive response in most cases for most of the fans of the artiste given are also indulging in skin lightening too. It is really very easy to get caught up in the skin lightening mode trying be as clear as the “superiors”, for every time u hear the song you just want to buy yourself sum skin lightening cream and start the process right away, for it had been retained subconsciously thus the reason the act of skin lightening feels so right.
Vybz Kartel Before & After Skin lightening
It has been proven that a percentage of the people participating in skin lightening , actually received a large boost in self-esteem and confidence , for “the lighter the complexion the higher you are on the social scene, thus proving slave retention still lives today among us. I’m really proud of myself in accepting all my perfections and imperfections of my physical self, and really don’t care to really please society, but always trying do my own thing and think out the box.